Monday, January 14, 2008

Lean Cuisine?????

Today, when I stopped in the grocery store to pick up a few items I noticed that the Lean Cuisines were on sale. 

Being that it is January and my traditional New Years resolution is to lose weight I bought a lot of them.  

When I went through the check out the clerk asked "did you get your ice cream?" I looked at her puzzled and asked "Ice Cream?" She said" Yes, if you buy twelve or more lean cuisines you get two half gallon containers of Dreyer's ice cream for free."  I said " Doesn't that defeat the purpose of eating Lean Cuisine?"

 I think I know how Lean Cuisine stays in business and why I am losing the dieting war. 
 Of course, I got Vanilla Bean and Mint Chocolate Chip for my, after Lean Cuisine dinner, dessert.

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